An opportunity to study in Romania under Romanian Government Scholarships 2022 is waiting for you with all the possible benefits to give maximum to coming students. - have you applied at Acadia University Canada Scholarships 2022 - Apply HERE

Government of Romania Scholarships 2022 | Fully Funded

Government of Romania Scholarships 2022 has now opened its doors for worldwide students to enable them to study in Romania with Fully Funded Romania Scholarship by covernig maximum expenses. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania is bearing all of the expenses. It is such a wonderful chance for international students to complete their high degree including Bachelor, Master, or a Ph.D. Degree Programs in one of the top universities of Romania.  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania is giving such a significant support to the selected recipients. There is not restriction of country, applicants can belong to any country or any nationality to apply. Romania Government is giving these amazing opportunites every year.

Scholarships in Romania 2022/23 without IELTS | Study in Europe

A total of 85 scholarships will be awarded  to each country for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral studies. The Romanian Government Scholarship does not charge an application fee. The Romanian government offers a scholarship program to those nations that are not members of the European Union. There are several scholarships available in Romania that do not need IELTS.

The Romania Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarships available. The Undergraduate Scholarship will last 3-6 years, while the Master's Scholarship will last 1.5 to 2 years and the Doctorate Scholarship will last 3 to 4 years. Romanian universities provide a diverse range of academic subjects. Don't neglect to look at Romania Scholarships That Do Not Require IELTS. The following contains the information of  Romania Scholarship.

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Detail of Government of Romania Scholarships:

Country Name: Romania.

Scholarships: 85 per country

Programs:  Undergraduate, Master's, and Doctoral Degrees

Coverage: Fully Paid

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Available Academic Fields

  1. Engineering, Education Sciences
  2. Social and Human Sciences
  3. Oil and Gas
  4. Technical Studies
  5. Architecture
  6. Agricultural Sciences
  7. Veterinary Medicine
  8. Journalism
  9. Visual Arts
  10. Romanian Culture and Civilization
  11. Science Education
  12. Political and Administrative Sciences
  13. Engineering
  14. Gas and Oil
  15. Social and Human Sciences,
  16. Technical Studies
  17. Agricultural Science
  18. Veterinary Medicine

Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Pharmacy are not eligible for scholarships.


Duration of Romanian Scholarship

3-6 years as an undergraduate

1.5, 2 years master's degree

3,4 years for a doctorate

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Financial Advantages and coverage

The Romanian Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly support the scholarship. As a result, all worldwide students are eligible for a fully funded scholarship in Romania.

  1. Totally free Fees for instruction
  2. Accommodation is provided at no cost.
  3. A Monthly Salary
  4. Undergraduate Students: 65 EUR per month .
  5. 75 EUR per month for Master's Degrees .
  6. Postgraduate Students  pay 85 EUR per month 
  7. International travel is not covered by the scholarships.

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Required Documents

  1. Official letter from the diplomatic mission of the nation of origin in Bucharest.
  2. The completed MFA application form for a scholarship in Romania.
  3. MER application form for obtaining a Letter of Acceptance to get education in Romania;
  4. Legitimate copies of the achieved study diplomas (master's, baccalaureate diploma , and doctor's degrees, if any) and their legitimate translation into one of the following languages, if required: French, English, or Romanian;
  5. Legitimate copies of graduate school matriculation sheets/diploma supplements, as well as their legitimate translations, where appropriate.
  6. Certified translation of the birth certificate in  the following languages: English, French, or Romanian;
  7. A copy of the passport's first three pages
  8. The medical certificate verifying that the person enlisting in the research does not have any communicable infections or other disorders that would make the studies impossible to complete
  9. The applicant's curriculum vitae (How to write professional CV, guidlines can be seen HERE)
  10. 2 pieces of recent pictures, passport format.

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Eligibility Criteria

Citizens from other countries Except for European member states, they come from all over the world.

  1. It is not permissible to be a Romanian citizen.
  2. For bachelor's and master's degrees, you must be 35 years old, and for doctoral or postgraduate studies, you must be 45 years old.



The Romania Government Scholarship 2022 application deadline is March 15, 2022. The results of the selection process will be disclosed on July 15, 2022.

How to apply for Romanian Government Scholarship

The scholarship application is completed entirely online. To submit an application for a Romanian Government Scholarship, please visit the Romanian Government Scholarship's official website

ScholarshipsTree Network wishes you good luck for your future success!

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